Pheno 2018

The 2019 Phenomenology Symposium

Pheno 2019

The 2019 Phenomenology Symposium is held on May 6-8, 2019 at the University of Pittsburgh. Topics are the latest in theoretical and experimental particle physics, astronomy and cosmology.

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Pheno is on!

First day of Pheno 2019. The first session is on Standard Model physics at the LHC. In the picture is Doreen Wackeroth from SUNY Buffalo giving a plenary talk in the David Lawrence Auditorium.

We are on the first day of Pheno 2019 which is starting with an overview of experimental and theoretical results and developments of physics at the LHC. Afterwards, the focus will shift towards Neutrino physics before we go into the parallel sessions this afternoon. There, a special top physics session will have presenters discuss the latest in top quark related physics. As my own research is in top physics, I am particularly looking forward to this session.

In the following two day, a variety of topics spanning from flavor physics, to dark matter and cosmology all the way to more technical topics such as quantum science and technology and Deep Learning in High Energy Physics will be covered.

I'm excited to see what people are working on lately!